Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This is called erosion,Sedimentary rock is organize over thousands,ever millions,of years.Small pieces
of earth break down and and are worn away by water and wind.These pieces are settle to the bottom
of the lakes,oceans and rivers and are cleaned downstream.Layers of eroded earth deposited on top
of each other.Sandstone is a sedimentary rock made from little grains of the minerals feldspar and
quartz is a one example of sedimentary rock is sandstone.These layers are beneath through time,
until the bottom layers eventually bend in to rock.Limestone is another sedimentary  rock and
Sandstone is often used for building.Limestone is made from the mineral calcite and from the shells
of sea animals which comes from the beds of past seas and lakes.It is especially good for building
in humid areas and Limestone is used in concrete and for building.

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